Sunday, August 24, 2008

Kem Kesihatan Percuma Kumpulan Sathya Sai Baba Muar dan Tangkak Bersama Persatuan Diabetis Muar dan Malaysia Association for Prevention of T.B.

Date : 24th August 2008
Time : 7.30am-12.30Noon
Place : SJKC.Chi Ming (2) Tangkak

We started our medical camp at 7.30am and the crowd come in gradually and today with have a total of 250 peoples coming for the diabetic test, BMI , Blood Pressure,Pap smear test and also to listen to a presentation by Dr. Tee Chee Kiong . We also have our devotee Bro. Dr. Ee Tiang Lock serving about 65 peoples for Dental Care.

We also wish to extend our thanks to Dr. Ong and Sis Boo, Dr. Shan for his invaluable advise and not forgetting Mr. Keng representing the Diabetic and T.B Association. To our dedicated volunteers .... a big thank you .......

Please click on the photos below to view the pictures.

Medical Camp @ Chi Meng School 2

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Medical Camp

麻坡賽峇峇分會和東甲賽峇峇贊頌小組暨麻坡糖尿病協會及馬來西亞預防肺癆協會将于 24 - 8 – 2008 (星期日)时间 : 7.30am – 12.30pm.假東甲啟明二小聯合主辦糖尿病檢驗,健康檢查及糖尿病講座,邀请糖尿病权威医生郑志强主講 - 糖尿病与你

1. 血糖檢驗 (驗血)
2. 牙齒檢查 - Dr. Ee
3. 血壓檢查
4. 測量體重及體高(BMI)
5. 糖尿病講座 - Dr. Tee
6. 子宮抹片檢查

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Visit by Bro Chew and Devotees from Singapore to Bakri Bhajan Unit

We have been invited by Bro. Dr. Lau from Bakri Bhajan Unit to attend a Chinese Bhajan Song Class conducted by Bro. Chew of Singapore. Bro. Chew is the script-writer for our SCA Bhajan Song and have also written about 200 other Bhajan Songs..
We hope our teacher Stanley Cheong could use the Songs for his future Choirs numbers. The class was held on 08-08-08 .... Beijing Olympic opening ceremony... to the Tangkak Bhajan Unit Devotees ... we appreciate your sacrifice.... well, we could still watch the repeat....

Visit by Bro Chew and Devotees from Singapore

Monday, August 11, 2008

Gotong Royong @ Taman Tangkak Jaya 10-08-08

PICTURE ALBUM ..... for your viewing,

We have about 30 devotees doing their selfless service, and in a small way to help to create awareness of latest mosquito spread disease i.e. Chikungunya and Dengue and eradication of mosquito breeding area. Other than cleaning up the areas filled with plastics, bottles, tyres, etc.... Our Devotees also distributed pamplets and educate the peoples on how to prevent the spread of the disease.

We also have a few residents helping out in the said Gotong Royong. The co-operation given by the Local Council is also much appreciated .... A big thank you to all the Volunteers ..... you have made us proud........
Sai Baba Gotong Royong @ Taman Tangkak Jaya

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tangkak Jaya Gotong Royong

今天, 是一個天氣晴朗的星期天!
起了個大早, 來到東甲參與全國環保與清潔日。

東甲區近來發生多宗由蚊子引起的基孔肯雅熱症, 多區居民身受其害!
趁著環保與清潔日, 隨同賽兄賽姐們, 挨家挨戶分發傳單, 收拾拉圾,

基孔肯雅熱症是一種由病毒所導致的疾病, 主要通過黑斑蚊吸血傳播。
唯一的預防方法是消滅負責傳播病毒的黑斑蚊, 這種蚊子只在清潔的積水里面繁殖,最常見的地方是在住家里面與四周。

我們來到東甲的一個稠密的住宅區, 發覺很多空瓶空罐丟棄在水溝,草場, 這些都是蚊蟲滋生的根源, 但居民們往往负略了這一些,只看到自家門前那堆雪。。。。

分發傳單當兒, 發覺友族同胞比較友善熱情, 往往會親自來拿去看一看, 華裔同胞則較冷漠被動, 隨我們把傳單放進信箱, 只抬頭望一望。。。

環境的衛生保護須全民儘心儘力的推動, 不能只掃門前雪, 或一味的埋怨政府沒來清理, 應該自動自發為自己, 為邻李,為環境, 動手拾起第一個空瓶空罐, 倒掉積水, 清除垃圾, 朔造一個衛生的環境, 創造一個健康的家園 !

感謝世尊給予我們機會, 學習為環境為衛生付出一份力量 !

Sis Jenny