Sunday, June 11, 2006


我就是因为深信这是一个难得的机缘,就毫不犹豫的加入Bangsar SCA 合唱团;使我的生活里多了一个值得怀念的片段。
在赛兄Albert Ong的召集下,我们东甲小组自动自发的参于,每周浩浩荡荡的上吉隆坡及东甲加紧练习。就在14/5/06当天,我们歌颂节奏几乎已紧扣着每个人的心,一起与赛世尊同悦,可谓脱颖而出,赢得了大家的赞赏及肯定,掌声和欢呼声随如着赛世尊在空中, 一刹那索取一条金链赠于我们可爱的老师(一举成名天下知哦)这简直是出神入化,喜从天降。。。 然而, 双眼止不住愉悦的泪水,继续唱着唱着。。。蛮得意的是,曲终后, 好些赛兄姐涌向我们要CD呢。。。就在4/6/06,赛兄See召集我们录音。。。嗨,世界各国的赛兄姐们,伴着我们的歌声结个缘哦。。。
从白草原回来后, 我深深的觉得Bhajan 时刻,简直如处在人间天堂。。。 来自世界各地,不分肤色的信徒, 共聚一堂, 虔诚的眼神,紧紧地追随着赛世尊的照耀,心存感激的我,当目光与赛世尊接触的一瞬间,心头暖暖的, 这份喜悦,柔顺地在空中飘荡着,和我的呼吸一样融入生命里。。。永恒不变。 Om Sai Ram
致Bangsar SCA Centre,Bro See, Sis Kim Lian 和 Sis Huan Bee真诚的感激邀请我们参于。献上千万个谢谢。Sai Ram。

Sis. Doreen Ong 王香兰

I joined the Bangsar SCA Choir group for knowing that this would be an opportunity in a lifetime and it’s been the most memorable experience in my life to have sung for Sai Baba.
This story of my life begun with Brother Albert Ong inviting us to join the Bangsar Choir Group and from there on, we started practicing in KL and Tangkak. Everyone was diligently practicing on a weekly basis and as time passes, faith and friendship forms.
14th of May 2006, we stood right before our beloved Baba, singing with all our heart and soul. All our effort proved to be fruitful when other devotees of Baba clapped their hands and applauded as they were captivated with the song we have sung for Baba; full of love and faith. Baba then materialized a gold necklace with a pendant for our loving teacher. Tears flowed down the cheeks of our choir’s group members as everyone present was blessed with love from Baba. However, we managed to composed ourselves and continue singing for Baba.
The utmost memorable experience was when many other brothers and sisters we met during this occasion praised our singing and requested for a CD. After coming back from India, Brother See then organized a recording session on 4th of June 2006 in Bangsar SCA Centre. Dear brothers and sisters from all over the world, this CD will bring us a journey of friendship with love.
Singing Bhajan in Whitefield gave me the feeling of singing in divine presence. Devotees from all over the world regardless of skin colour and race with sincerity in their eyes looking at Baba gave me the peaceful and thankful feeling, a feeling which would not be able to be expressed with words. Looking into Baba’s eyes, I could feel that I was blessed with love, peace, joy and happiness forever. Om Sai Ram

With love,
Sis. Doreen Ong 王香兰

P/S: Bangsar SCA Centre,Bro See, Sis Kim Lian and Sis Huan Bee thank you very much for inviting us to join all of you for the singing session. Millions of thanks….Sai Ram
(Translation by Radiance Tan)

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Bro Albert Daughter ...

One is suppose to work, one is suppose to school....., but for BABA is OK!

Tangkak Ladies Choir member...

Choir Member

bro. camon ng (music and blog site controller)

our staunch and silent supporter ... all the way from tangkak to bansgar and his heart follow us to whitefield and back .. then again to bangsar .... now yes silent because sore throat but have new assigement by bro.see .... music controller.... still steady doing his job.. well done bro. camon

Friday, June 09, 2006

Bro Dr Ong From Muar Center

Bro Dr Ong from Muar Center

Bro Dr Ee, Bro Albert & Bro Peck Wan

Ladies Choir Member ....

Waiting for Choir performance .......

Tangkak New Devotee Mr & Mrs Dr Ee

dear fellow bros and sis, here you see a couple who does not know a single words of mandarin, and have never open their golden mouths to sing at all ..... but with BaBa grace they learn and learn until they can sing their praise to Baba on wesak day, what a achievement... they should be our model to follow... we salute both of you and welcome aboard.

Beautiful Ladies...

Friday, June 02, 2006

CD Recording in Bangsar

This Sunday 4/6/2006 11am sharp at our choir group will meet in Bro See house in Bangsar to recording the CD, our choir group member would become international singer

Our CD album will be sold internationally .......... haha!

See You There .....! 不见不散。。。。。

note : lunch provided by Bro See and Sis Kim Lian

Practise .......

Sadhana Camp In Tangkak

Participant engrossed in talk by Bro. See and Sis Kim Lian

Kitchen Committee

Choir Member Waiting Performance ..........

Our Tangkak Coordinator

Bro Albert waiting for

choir performance

Waiting for Choir performance .......

Sis Doreen Ong
Sis Amy Lee
Sis Elizabeth Ong

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Teacher got a chain........, we all got happiness ......!
Unforgetable experience!

Gold Chain From Baba

Bro See and Sis Kim Lian helping Baba to wear gold chain to our teacher

India Trip

11.05.2006 我们一群人(约六十多位)在金莲赛姐及 Bro. Albert Ong 的带领下浩浩荡荡出发。凌晨6.00am在 KLIA 机场集合,早上9.00am 起飞,约31/2小时后抵达马德拉,再转机前往 Bangalore。
下机时迎接我们的是一场短暂的滂沱大雨,似为风尘仆仆的我们洗尘……。我们都笑说是东甲的信徒把“水”(他们从大马运来几盒砺泉水)带到印度来。<<贵人出门,带风带雨>> 哈哈!

Our Choir Member

Buddha Poornima Celebration in Whitefield India 14-5-2006On 14th May 2006, the SCA choir was given the honour to perform for Swami. The jublilant group has a group photo after the successful performance, winning praises and applause.

Our Committee Member