Sunday, May 25, 2008


赛中文组全国灵修与激励营(19-21 / 9, 2008) SCA National Sadhana & Motivation Camp Glory Beach Resort, Port Dickson 士古来赛中心 与 赛中央理事会中文组 联办 • 中文组- 回顾与前瞻 • 如何成为好信徒 • 孝亲敬老, 亲子关系 • 心灵教育 • 我相信我自己, 我能 • 合唱团 • 财富管理 - 钱,钱,钱, 我要钱 - 人为什么会穷 - 转穷为富 • 赛隧道 – 难忘的旅程 • Chaitanya Jothi 博物馆 - 历史点滴 • SCA Review & Way Forward • How to be a good devotee • ParentCare • EduCare • I believe I can, I can • ROSE • Choir • Wealth Management - $ $ $, I want $ - Why are people poor - How to be rich • Sai Tunnel – A Game you’ll never forget • History of chaitanya Jothi 联络处 Contact: Bro. Cheah WK 012-2008493 Bro. Ang 012-7828016 Bro Wong WY 017-8887885


Today we have our first meeting held in Bakri Bhajan Unit. The above event are jointly held by SCA Scudai Centre, Bakri Bhajan Unit and Tangkak Bhajan Unit. Our Representatives are : Bro. Albert, Wan, Ong Che Seng, Sis. Amy, Choo Moi, Lily, Shirley and Jenny.
Today briefing is only on the outline of the whole programme.... We believe the 2nd meeting should be more focus and serious. Anyway we have a good times listening to our jovial Bro. Cheah and Monk Zhen Ding.
This is a 3 day (19-21/9/2008) intensive event to be held in Glory Beach Resort, Port Dickson and and fee is rm190 per pax (inclusive of lodging,food,refreshment.) We are also limiting the participants due to constraint of space. Tangkak Devotees should quickly register to avoid disapointment and further we are also one of the co-host.
Future meeting shall be updated on this site


Bro. Cheah and Bro. Dr. Lau briefing those presence
Attentive devotees from Bakri Bhajan Unit/Tangkak Bhajan Unit

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Picture Album
Trip to Puttaparthi 17th-23rd May 2008

Trip to Puttaparthi @ 17th -23rd May 2998

One for the Album... Our Devotees from Tangkak Bhajan Unit

Seputeh Bhajan Unit/Tangkak Bhajan Unit practise session being witnessed by our Regional Co-ordinater Bro. Amar Kharki before permission is granted by him. We sang a total of 7 songs to our Baba.

Trip to Puttaparthi @ 17th-23rdMay 2008

Swami have given another chain to our teacher, Bro. Stanley Cheong

See..... how happy is our teacher ?? The conversation with Swami goes like this.... What is your name? ( Stanley) What you want? ( eeeeehe I don't know???) You want Baba? (oh Yes....) Swami immediatily materialise a chain in full view. This is the first time that we saw it with our own eye !!!! Quite a experience..
'Some people see thing happen, some people make thing happen and some people see nothing!'

Trip to Puttaparthi @ 17th-23rd May 2008

With this hot climate 42degree heat and this is the car without air-con... suffering from puttaparthi till Banglore.....Bro & Sis Beware & Be careful when dealing with local taxi agent....

Sis Choo Moi pondering .....Cannot sleep properly for the last three days and with the heat and no air-con, no wonder this husband of mine and sister is happily dozzzzzing on my shoulder!!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008


今天傍晚 , 我們這群從東甲和麻坡的三十幾位賽兄賽姐們 ,浩浩蕩蕩開車來到馬六甲 Dr. Ee 的家峇赞 ( House Bhajans ) . 這對笑容如陽光 , 和藹可親的夫妻 , 一早就把這座有百年歷史的老屋打點好 .當我們步入正廳時 , 蘚艷的百合花 , 蘭花及不知名的小花散發神臺一片清香 . 水果 , 獨特的惹娘糕及草席也己整齊的排列在寬闊整洁的大廳 , 然而 , 每張坐墊上還放上一份當天歌詞 . 一切安排的有條有理 . 真讓我自愧不如也 !

當時Dr Ee 和 Mrs Ee親切的送上溫暖的擁抱或緊握迎接到訪者的雙手 ,人人都露出甜美的笑容迎合 ,自在又和諧 ,真讓我感到一屋洋溢著數不盡溫情 ,這幕一次又一次的回蕩在我的腦海里 , 真得是處處溫情滿人間呀 !

這對無私的大好人又率領我們去膜拜室 ,驚見唯有一尊站立式木雕觀世音菩薩佈滿亮晶晶的細密金粉 ! 而其旁眾尊神卻看不到一丁點金粉粒 ! 何解 ? 難以置信下議論紛紛! 我們怀著誠摯之心 ,雙手合十祈求祝福眾生

Mrs Ee不經意泄露今天是 Dr Ee的陰厝生日 . ( 通常以陽厝慶生 ) 嘻 嘻 ! Bhajans 結朿后 , 收到信息的Albert 就拿出預先在東甲買來的生日蛋糕為我們敬愛的 Dr Ee 慶祝 . Dr Ee 感慨萬千說道這是他有生以來最感動 , 最熱情的一天 ….. 這片暖暖溫情洋溢滿室 , 也塞滿我們的心 .

感謝這對愛侶 : 讓我們學會與親友交心 ,
......................也讓我們體會到那無私善心 ,
......................就讓我們敞開胸懷擁抱這份真誠熱心 !

深深的祝福你倆 : 健康 , 快樂 , 甜蜜無比


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

House Bhajan at Bro. Dr. Ee's residence

Our Tangkak Bhajan Unit is rather fortunate to be invited to have a house Bhajan at Bro. Dr. Ee's residence on the 10th May 2008.
The host took serious preparation to ensure everything is done smoothly and we have about 70 devotees from Malacca, Muar and Tangkak joining the happy occasion.
Incidentally, it is also Bro. Dr. Ee Birthday and we are so glad to see the host beaming with joy and happiness when we sang the Birthday Song. 'Happy Birthday' to you again.
They also donated 60 made to order cushions and monetary sum to our Bhajan Unit Thank you again for your kind gesture.

House Bhajan @ Bro. Dr. Ee's Residence

Bro. Dr. Ee & Sis Peggy presenting made to order 60 cushion seats for our Tangkak Bhajan Unit.
Our appreciation to your kind gesture........