23rd. March 2008
Sai Ram Dear All - Johor,
State Medical Camp at Tangkak.
The State Medical Camp at Tangkak under the capable co-ordination of our State Service Coordinar Bro. Dr. Shan and led by Bro. Albert of Tangkak Bhajan Unit was a great success. The medical Camp which was supposed to start at 9.00 a.m was forced to start (registration) at 7.30 am as the crowd were already coming in & building up. The Tangkak Bhajan Unit Devotees led by its Chief Bro. Albert who was also the Chairman of the Medical Camp did a wonderful & efficient job in organising the Camp.
On behalf of the Co-ordinating Committee of Johor State, I wish to thank Bro. Albert and his Team from Tangkak Bhajan Unit all the Doctors, Nurses & Volunteers (about 100 ) from the various Centres & towns/cities in Johor, Melaka & K. L esp. Dr. Kala - Gynae - Dr. Anand - Physician & Skin; Dr. Venugopal of Southern Hospital, Muar & Bro. Raju (K. L ) besides, Dr. Ong, Dr. Rajes, Dato" Dr. Vivek ( former Medical Services Director, Johor) ; Dr. Yethin & about 8 volunteers and 2 Trainee Doctors from Melaka to help at this Medical Camp. All in we had about 12 doctors incl. 2 Dental Doctors & 2 Trainee Doctors. I also wish to thank our Vice President, Service, Bro. Mahendran for his kind assistance in bringing the Doctors from K.L. to assist in the Camp.
981 patients including children were screened/treated. Various tests and treatments were carried out, such as :Blood Pressure; Diabetes; Dental; ENT; EYE & Worm Treatment for Children; Height & Weight; Pap Smear & Breast Cancer Tests were all carried out. Besides a Blood Donation Campaign was also carried out by the Tangkak GH where 60 pints of Liquid Love were collected. Also, 30 nos. free Spectacles were provided to the poor patients who had vision problem. One EYE case (child) was refered to Sis. Dr. Viji for specialist check-up and treatment.
Doctors, Nurses & Technicians - about 15 of them also came from Hospital Pakar Sultanah Fatimah, Muar; LPPKN Tangkak & Muar and Jabatan Kesihatan Tangkak to help at the Camp.
May God Bless all those who participated at this Camp. Thank you & Jai Sai Ram.
With Love,
SC Johor.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
星期日, 今天 , 我們在東甲啟明二小舉行 “ 免費健康檢查及捐血活動 ”, 這是柔佛洲賽峇峇總會 , 東甲賽峇峇贊頌小組及麻坡衛生局聯辦健康檢查營 . 這也是在 Bro Albert 及 Dr Shan 的率領下 , 東甲小組首次為東甲市民提供這頁活動 .
一早 , 八點左右 , 人潮己湧現 , 走廊聚集數不盡的人流 , 擠得有些水泄不通之感 , 預先分配好的組員 ,在慌亂中, 按照各別的指示 , 加上102 位義工們的配合 , 終于都在一定時間內 , 還算有次序的安排好一切流程 . 同時 , 也要隨機應變突發性之事物發生…..整個活動能順利及圓滿的結朿 , 十一位志愿醫生的協助是功不可沒的 .
一眼望去, 六間課室里里外外都坐滿等候檢查者. 噢 ! 怎么了 ? 牙科部門 , 小孩個個止步. Dr Ee 納悶. 怎么辨 ? 我只好一個一個的誘引這些 “小精靈 ”.
“ 嗨 ! 小朋友 , 來 , 來 , 來 , 來這儿 , 讓牙醫幫你們檢查牙齒好嗎 ? ”
小手儿馬上罩住口 , 佷堅定的回答 : “ 不要 ” .
“ 為什么不要 ? ”
“ 我的牙沒痛 ! 我不要拔牙 ! ”
“ 哦 ! 不必拔牙, 你們只要張口給牙醫算一算你有幾顆牙齒 , 就有禮物拿哦 , 要嗎 ? ”
“ 什么東西 ? ” 七嘴八舌搶問, 決心消除, 一個個張大烏溜溜的小眼睛望著我 .
嘿嘿嘿 ! 上釣了 . 一會儿功夫 , 這群小冬瓜就乖巧的一個一個跟著排排坐 , 等 “ 果果 ” . 哈哈哈 , 每人送支卡通牙刷 , 咪著笑眼 , 滿足的隨父母離開 . Dr EE 也忙得不亦樂乎 ! 所謂你樂 , 我樂 , 他也樂 . 不錯哦 ! 還能牽引到二百多位小朋友的歡心呢 !
當我就走去捐血部門 , 很驚奇看到怕打針的 Sis 金蓮躺在那儿捐血 ….. 佩服 , 佩服 . 而另一張床也躺著不落人后的 Bro 陳嘉水及其他熱心支持者 ….. 幽默的 Bro 陳嘉水還說道 : “ 有的人出錢 , 有的人出力 , 我沒出錢又沒出力 , 所以我只好出血囉 ! ” 逗得我們呵呵大笑 …..
在這里 , 看到的是真誠無私的付出 , 自動自發 , 將這片慈悲喜捨之情 , 盡心盡力 , 不求任何回酬 , 將之俏俏的及放大至每個角落 . 這一天真美 , 這 , 就是 Sai 的教育 .
賽兄賽姐們 , 你們真捧 !
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Johore Medical Camp @ Tangkak
Johore Medical Camp
Johore Medical Camp
Johore Medical Camp
Group photo with Bro Govind, Bro. Doc Shan, Bro. Doc Bala from Malacca, and our Tangkak Volunteer..... Bro Doc Ee & Mr. Ee from Malacca.
Johore Medical Camp
Johore Medical Camp
The Car Park speak a thousand words... thanks to Bro. Yong and Volunteers incharge of logistic and traffic control.
Johore Medical Camp
After a hard day work.... nothing is better than a cup of coffee... right... We thanks you for your selfless services to the Tangkak residents .....
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