Monday, February 18, 2008


2/2/2008 星期六

早上十點鐘左右 , 我的手提電話失靈 , 所以就得從新開啟 . 當我將手機外罩翻開時 , 發現黏在手機上的賽世尊畫像怪怪的 , 油油滑滑 ,很自然的將它撕下放在書桌一角.

在我第二次回到書桌時 , 對著這張畫像自問 : “ 我該怎樣處理 ? 這粘粘油油的畫像 ? 怎能收藏 ? 心想 , 丟了吧 ! ” . 然後起身忙家務事 ……

再次回坐時 , 堅定不移的念頭涌上 : “ 丟去字紙簍里 , 反正這種黏紙畫像多得很…….” . 當我準備把這張油油滑滑的畫像丟棄之一殺那 , 不可置信的 , 我目瞪口呆看著手中的畫像 , 怎么 ? 怎么就在這短短的幾秒 , 一眨眼功夫 , 畫像里的... [ 賽世尊口吐聖粉 ] ... 就在這轉瞬間吧了 . 心靈震撼 , 驚駭不已 , 全身麻痺如躅電 , 膽顫地奔出大廳喊我先生 , 看 , 看 , 真的 , 真的是聖粉 ... 多神奇呀 ! 賽世尊這回直接顯示聖粉在我眼前 , 由不得我不信 . 激動的心情過片刻才能平靜下來 .

這句話 “ 賽世尊是無所不在 , 無所不能 ..… ” 是 Bro Cheah 在東甲安排 Sadhana Camp 課程講到 , 其實 , 當時我心底裡卻在偷笑 , 可能嗎 ? 因我不迷信 , 太神話的事…..( 一 ) 我會一笑置之 , ( 二 ) 在心底里偷笑 , ( 三 ) 或慢慢遠離 …..

坦言道 , 今天我會參于最大原因是我兄弟的牽引 . 后來 , 我覺得在這種環境 " 巴讚 " 隨著和諧旋律同讚頌神 , 啟發歡喜心 ! 這是最大的推動力 . 再則 , 我尊重守法 , 守紀律 , 守規矩的團體 . 不強求更不會勉強自己盲從 , 但卻半信半疑的周旋箸 . 從今天開始 , 我再也不會對敬愛的賽世尊存有任何置疑之心 . Bro Cheah的這句話 “ 賽世尊是無所不在 , 無所不能 ..… ” 是不假呀 !

回想三年前一宗小車禍 , 我先生開車 , 眼巴巴看著 對方的車向著我的方向撞來 , “ 轟 ”….. 腦海一片空白 , 車門打不開 , 安然無恙的我卻一直在擦掉左手臂上的白粉 ……. “ 白粉 ” ? 怎么會粘在我手臂上呢 ? 半信半疑的認為應該是慈祥的賽世尊為我消災解難吧 !

從布達峇地買盒聖粉儲存器的外殼不知几時也粘上數點聖粉 . 信嗎 ? 理智提醒無須在意 , 噢 ! 淡然處之 . 然而 , 今天所發生的一切種種 , 是在我手中 , 在我雙眼直視下的真跡 , 已無理由再質疑了 .

Sai Ram 親愛的 Sai 兄弟姐妹們 , 這張畫相己恭恭敬敬地奉拜在神臺上了.

王 香 蘭

註 : 請勿誤會我比舉之不敬 , 皆因畫像油油滑滑 , 真得不知該怎么收藏才好 . 就引起丟棄之念頭 . 要不然我通常會收藏在神臺櫃里 , 這是慣性.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Johor SCA Sadhana Camp

Bro Yong 's "SCA-Wayforward" speech........downloading to all devotees

Bro Yong..... Any question ??? .....
Bro Yong again ...... we salute you for your leadership .......
Date: 20-1-2008
Time: 9.30am to 4.30pm
Venue: Tangkak Bhajan Unit
Organiser: Skudai Sai Centre
Tangkak Bhajan Unit

9.00am - 9.20am Registration
9.20am - 9.30am Welcome address
9.30am - 11.00am Who is Sai? Man or God
11.00am - 11.30am How to pray to Baba at home?
11.30am - 12.30pm Why Bhajan?
12.30pm - 1.30pm Lunch is served
1.30pm - 2.15pm Why Bhajan? Significance of Arathi.
2.15pm - 3.00pm SCA Wayforward
3.00pm - 3.20pm Tea Break
3.20pm - 4.20pm Similarity of Sai Teaching & Buddhism
4.20pm - 4.30pm Closing remarks
Jai Sai Ram

Friday, February 01, 2008

sadhana camp

Devotees concentrating ............ Talk by Monk Shi Zhen Ding, " the similarity of Sai Teaching & Buddhism"

Monk Shi Zhen Ding delivering his talk

Fellows devotees,.... "lend me your ears"

sadhana camp

Our Video -man for the day Bro. considered very professsional..... thank you for the good job.

Free books about buddhism and Sai Teaching for the Devotees to take home........ hello to read and not to keep please .......

Our ever popular and well-like Past President delivering his talk " Who is Sai? Man or God" Well he is very qualified to talk on this topic because of his numerous personal interviews with Swami and his community works in Puttarparthi....

Bro. Dr. Lau leading us to Baba's Altar a ceremony before the commencement of Monk Shi Zhen Ding's talk.

Monk Shi Zhen Ding leading the prayers......

sadhana camp

Fellow Devotees.... We have redecorated our main altar and also change the curtains for the said building.... many thanks to the effort by the organising committee .... especially to Sis Yee Kheng for sewing the curtains for our Bhajan Unit

Sis Kee delivering her speech on " Why Bhajan? Significance of Arathi"

Now you see Bro. Cheah again? Well, Sis Kee and Bro Cheah deliver their talk alternately ... so that it would not be too boring for us ....

We have this ladies devotees from the last rows smiling for the camera .....