Allow me to share my memorable trip to Puttarparthi to celebrate Wesak at Prashanti Nilayam this year 2009.
On May 5th 2009 , some Tangkak devotees , a small group of curious participants from Tangkak , my brother Bernard and I left for India .
This is my second visit to celebrate Wesak in the presence of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba . My first trip was 3 years ago , where we celebrated Wesak at Whitefield in India .
After my first trip , I had aspired to visit Prashanti Nilayam at Puttarparthi and I had my wish granted this year .
As the summer heat was soaring in India , we , the choir , were told that Wesak celebration would most likely be at Whitefield , as Whitefield being cooler in terms of weather . Two days before our departure to India , we received confirmation , that Bhagawan will be in Puttarparthi for Wesak . Incredible ! Imagine how delighted I was at the news .
Our group arrived at the Ashram in Puttarparthi in the early hours of daybreak on the 6th May 2009 . After having settled in our rooms , Sister Hiang Lan(my room-mate) and I got ready for the morning darshan . That evening our choir , made up of mainly devotees from Kuala Lumpur and a small member from Tangkak were called for an audition and we qualified to perform on Wesak day 9th May as scheduled . But on the 7th May , words came round in the afternoon , that we will have to sing on the 8th May afternoon and that is at the opening of the Wesak celebration .
On the 8th May , we sang to a huge crowd at the opening of Wesak . At the end of all the performances , Bhagawan came down from the dais to take photo with us . We were all so overjoyed by Bhagawan grace and Love .
On the 9th May , that is Wesak Day , celebrations continued with performances and activities . Some Tangkak devotees headed by Brother Albert Ong , were called upon to distribute food to the poor . After an early lunch , Sis Hiang Lan and I started packing in our room , as our Tangkak group was to leave for Bangalore that afternoon at 5.30 pm.
While we were packing , two ladies came to our room at the 3rd floor of the hostel . One was an Indian lady and the other was a European lady . The Indian lady asked if I was Buddhist when I asked if I could do anything for them . She also enquired where I was from and we discovered we were Malaysians . Then the European lady asked if I know who Karmapa is ? I told her that not only I know His Holiness , I had the opportunity to meet him in Bodhgaya in December of 2006 . The Indian lady turn to the European lady and said “ You have found the person .” Then the Indian lady left .
I invited the European lady into the room . She was dressed in a white sari with small flower designs and held a white plastic bag . She related that she had spent a year with Bhagawan and Bhagawan had asked her to visit North India . She continued that the chapter of her life here in Puttarparthi is coming to a close and she will be returning to Germany soon . She had asked for Bhagawan’s help (in her prayers, may be) to find someone to handover a few things .
Then she took out from the plastic bag some photos and posters of Taras , Karmapa , Ruipoches , some CDs and DVDs .
She told me that I can go through them and keep them if I wish . She then gave me a CD entitled , “ Lion’s Roar Great Compassion ” and told me to keep it .Then she took out a saffron silk cloth , saying that it is very precious . She unfolded the cloth and took out a photo of the Image of Lord Buddha Shakyamuni at the Maha Bodhi Temple in Bodhgaya . She handed the photo and silk cloth to me saying she knows I will treasure it . She said that the silk cloth was worn on the Buddha Image in the Maha Bodhi Temple . The Maha Bodhi Temple where the Image is photographed is the exact place when Lord Buddha attained unsurpassed , supreme Enlightenment . I was so overwhelmed but managed to thank her and did not know what else to say but we hugged each other and cried . She left immediately , leaving me standing in the room still stunned . Sister Hiang Lan immediately asked me to get her name . I only managed to get the first part of her name --- Maria , as she disappeared down the stairs .
Back in the room , I sat on the bed thinking --- This is unbelievable ! I knew it was all Bhagawan’s grace and Love . On this day , 9th May was also my husband’s birthday and this is a very precious and holy gift for him too.
Sis Tay Peck Lian (Mrs. Ee)
1 comment:
You are the selected one by Swami to do his works..... We would like to tender our appreciation to you for graciously allowing us to touch and grace the saffron silk cloth in India and later in our Tangkak Bhajan Unit. We share our joy with you. sai ram... Bro. Albert Ong
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